G Spot x ParaPride: Introducing Daniele Lul
parapride cofounder & community engagement director
I’m a disabled gay man living in London. I’m originally from Italy and my ethnic background is from Eritrea. I am a proud person of colour. My disability is physical and visible.
I am a double lower leg amputee, I walk on prosthetic legs and I’m a part-time wheelchair user. I’ve been an amputee since 2016 after having meningitis and septicaemia. This life-changing event came with many challenges but it also made me shift focus on the more important things in life such as creating positive social impact through my lived experiences of being disabled and LGBTQ+.
Once I became disabled, I knew it was going to be a very challenging experience, but I was determined to feel empowered by my difference.
Throughout my journey as a disabled person I realised there was a very evident need to address the lack of inclusion for disabled people within the LGBTQ+ community, a need for more accessible LGBTQ spaces, and a need to promote body positivity and being able to celebrate that. That is what motivated me to co-found ParaPride.
Today, ParaPride is an empowerment charity advocating for the visibility, education and awareness of LGBTQ+ disabled people.